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Avantgarde Ones

Avantgarde Ones is a loyalty program that allows you to enjoy the privileges of the Avantgarde Collection hotels. 

From your first stay, you will be introduced to the privileged world of Avantgarde Ones and become a member of our program. During your next stay, you will be able to take even better advantage of the unique services we offer.

Avantgarde Ones
Avantgarde Ones
Avantgarde Ones

You will feel special in every stay

How to become a mamber of Avantgarde Ones ?

1st step: If you are an Android user, download the WalletPasses application from the Google Play Store. If you are an iPhone user, the Wallet application is already available on your phone.

2nd step: If you are an Android user, you need to open the WalletPasses application and scan the QR code by clicking the + sign on the top right corner. If you are an iPhone user, just open your phone's camera and scan the QR code.

3rd step: After scanning the QR code, you can become a member of Avantgarde Ones by entering your details on the registration page that opens.

4th step: Afterwards, all you have to do is show your Avantgarde Ones digital wallet card at the front desk during each of your stays.

By earning points for each stay at our hotels, you can upgrade your Avantgarde Ones membership and enjoy more privileges.

How can I earn points ?

Stay tuned to earn points at the end of each stay at Avantgarde Collection hotels depending on your location and our hotels. 

Avantgarde Ones
  • 1. Our guests can join the programme by scanning the QR code with the Wallet application on their phones during each stay.

    2. From the moment our guests become a member, their membership has started at Tier 1 level and they can benefit from the advantages.

    3. Our guests who earn points at the end of each expenditure will be able to move to Tier 2 level when they reach 1000 points and to Tier 3 level when they reach 2000 points.

    4. Every 10 Euro is 1 point for hotel accommodation and extra expenses. Every 1 point in the wallet of our guests is equal to 1 Euro.

    5. Points are earned for all expenses made in our hotels, all payments made to the reception at the end of the stay.

    6. In order to earn points, bookings must be made via or by contacting our hotels directly. When arriving at the hotel, points can be loaded by showing the digital Wallet to the reception during check in or check out procedures.

    7. Our guests can only use the points they earn for their accommodation. Points cannot be used for extra expenses.

    8. Guests can redeem their points at the daily sales price by checking the availability of the hotel.

    9. Avantgarde Ones guests cannot benefit from other campaigns while benefiting from discounts.

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